tirsdag 20. april 2010

Støperiet and its situasjon

Now, the foundry will be the rough culture that many anticipated. The freed-up funds from the Theatre Ibsen can help to establish the umbrella organization that will look at the whole region as one unit. The culture will have far more impact in urban development and industrial development than most people realize. We have alleys and courtyards that are waiting to be developed. We have beautiful natural scenes of festivals and concerts, as well as a number of scenes that run with and without local government support and management. So far, Tønsberg barely looked beyond their own nose. Now we must look at the region as a unit and see the offers as an overall product. We need to look at cooperation opportunities with neighboring municipalities. We must look at how the total supply can be presented and marketed. We will live by those who visit us. Then we need to be attractive and professional.

Tønsberg is a city that must invest in knowledge-based "industry", health, education, tourism, culture, commerce and public administration. Rådmannen studies the culture of life potential operating models. It will be exciting to see the proposals and it will be interesting to see if our neighboring communities see benefits from working together. Tønsberg is and will always be, a regional center for culture and other important community activities. In addition, we are a center of commerce. Forecasts show that Tønsberg in 20 years will have grown by over 30% of a city with over 50,000 inhabitants. This growth shows that Tønsberg is an attractive place to live and work. The reason for this is that the region has a good service to their citizens and an acceptable distance to the capital. We must, however, fit us for that we will not be a dormitory town, and here comes the culture into its activities.

We do not mimic any other with a large cultural center. There is no guaranteed success to copy others. We must focus on character. Maybe we can have a greater success and become even more attractive if we are the city with the many scenes. We have a large variety of stages and arenas, we'll get more in both city and elsewhere. To succeed in this we must add a plan for development over the next decade and work consciously towards the goal. There must be an active community, and not least the business community, including cultural actors, be active in a partnership. It is by working together and perform together that you get ownership of the product. That is when it is good to sit back and say that now we got it right. But as always in life, when one hilltop is reached, so it pops up a new one. That is what is developing, to tackle the next challenges. We just have to remember that we never forget what has been done by those who were before us in history. When we get perspective of what lies ahead. To achieve this we need to take responsibility and unfortunately prioritize. We need adjusting aspirations to the needs and financial ability. Anyway, we're very spoiled in Tønsberg, but let's enjoy the advantage we have, unless we forget that there are many who do not have the material goods we have.

We are approaching an election campaign. It will be interesting to see if it will focus on material goods or the quality of life. We all know what Pooh said, but so simple is not.

This is riten by: Per Rosenblad Brun/Carmen Borg/Terje Ottar, Tønsberg Frp

1 kommentar:

  1. Above is written by the Obamas of Tønsberg!

    Carefull! What do YOU learn from this?

    What is your approach?
    Serving or challenging?

    What would be the appropriate architectural answer?
